For Marianne Cantwell, Free Range Humans are "a growing tribe, easily spotted by the smiles on their faces on Monday mornings." They are people that have figured out what they want to do with their lives and they are doing it, right now. They choose when, where and how they work, and get paid to do what makes them come alive. They have decided to live their life every day, not just weekends.
Lighthearted in style but serious in intention, this is a practical guide to creating a life of fulfillment. Life coach Cantwell - herself a career shifter - helps mid-career professionals work out what they really want. She addresses the things that career changers think they need but don't: a job; an MBA; a big investment; a fancy website, and shows how to build not just a business but a life that works for them. Be a Free Range Human is a valuable contribution for those new to personal growth and struggling with work-life balance.